تُعدّ MTN سوريا من أبرز مزودي خدمات الاتصالات في سوريا، حيث تقدم خدمات الصوت، البيانات، والإنترنت، بما في ذلك تغطية 3G و4G (LTE). تعمل تحت مجموعة MTN، التي تتخذ من جنوب إفريقيا مقرًا لها، وتم تأسيسها في سوريا عام 2007. توفر MTN سوريا خدمات اتصالات موثوقة وخيارات متعددة مثل الرسائل النصية القصيرة، الرسائل متعددة الوسائط، وخدمات التجوال. MTN Syria is a major telecom provider in Syria, offering mobile voice, data, and internet services, with 3G and 4G (LTE) coverage. It operates under MTN Group, headquartered in South Africa. Established in 2007, MTN Syria provides reliable communication services with various value-added options, including SMS, MMS, and roaming.
Only With the New Razer Gold Pins (Previously Known as RIXTY); Customers can get more back on exclusive gaming deals and rewards only with the new ...
Only With the New Razer Gold Pins (Previously Known as RIXTY); Customers can get more back on exclusive gaming deals and rewards only with the new ...
Yango Play Gift Card is�a leading provider of digital entertainment gift cards in the UAE. Terms & Conditions: - Valid for purchases on Yango Pla...
Yango Play Gift Card is�a leading provider of digital entertainment gift cards in the UAE. Terms & Conditions: - Valid for purchases on Yango Pla...
Yango Play Gift Card is�a leading provider of digital entertainment gift cards in the UAE. Terms & Conditions: - Valid for purchases on Yango Pla...
Yango Play Gift Card is�a leading provider of digital entertainment gift cards in the UAE. Terms & Conditions: - Valid for purchases on Yango Pla...
Bstation or better known as�Bilibili�is�a video sharing website based in Shanghai, China. Bstation users can post, view and add overlay comme...
Bstation or better known as�Bilibili�is�a video sharing website based in Shanghai, China. Bstation users can post, view and add overlay comme...